Monday, December 3, 2007

Gettin' Euros 2007 By the Numbers

Flights and inter-city trains taken including r/t SFO-Frankfurt: 18

Estimated # of people who saw me DJ: maybe 3500?

# of "I Saw Party Ben on the Gettin' Euros Tour 2007 and All I Got Was This Lousy CD" CDs I threw out to the crowds: 97 (I have 3 left)

Items lost:
- One (1) pair black gloves, in a cab in Warsaw
- One (1) stocking cap, somewhere in Prague
- One (1) scarf, somewhere in Cologne
- One (1) brown Jedi robe, Elysee Montmartre, Paris
- One (1) CD, "Johnny Greenwood is the Controller," that I gave the sound guy to play after the doors opened at Elysee Montmartre and then forgot to get back

Number of times I visited H&M to replace lost or soiled items: 4

Number of times I laundered the single pair of jeans I wore the entire trip: 1 (thanks Zebra and your washing machine)

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